Institutional leaders
what if you had 26 hours a day?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra hour or two a day?
Think about all the time your team spends going through tons of content. Audio can get back some of the time spent and increase your team’s productivity.
By effortlessly turning your documents into audio you can enable your team members to consume content more conveniently.
Forget about taking valuable time to read a paper, report, study, and whatnot - now, these can be easily circulated and consumed on the go, at the time and place most convenient for the listener.
We know because we do this all the time.
Whether you want to raise awareness of your institution, promote a new program, or attract new users, adding audio content is key. Trinity Audio’s ai text-to-speech technology and speaking styles, specifically developed for long-form audio content, enables you to not only make your content more engaging, but you will also increase the chances that it will be consumed.

Create the perfect listening experience with multiple languages, voices and accents, full editorial and quality control, and all in minimum time and cost.
Develop a relationship with your target audiences who are already using their eardrums instead of eyeballs to consume content.
Expand your profile and reach by incorporating a new (yet familiar) medium in your content marketing strategy.
Build credibility by providing content in a way that is relevant and contextual to your audience.

Employ Trinity Audio’s suite of products and solutions:

Trinity Splash
A modular unit (elements can be presented individually) that distributes your content via top streaming audio platforms and voice assistants.

Trinity Cast
A version of Trinity Player that refers users to all of your audio content and supports playlists and subscriptions to your audio content on various platforms.

Branded Player
An upgraded version of the Trinity Player that adds the element of native display advertising within the player, complete with the brand’s visual styling.