Education professionals
Audio is your
bridge to students
Gen Zers are commonly known as some of the heaviest listeners,
which means students increasingly expect this type of content to be available to them. With content creation and distribution becoming easier thanks to audio AI, it’s never been more important to create experiences that go in line with student expectations and needs.
There is a common core of comprehension processes that underlie both listening and skilled reading. That’s why in many cases, listening to certain content offers the same understanding as if we’re reading it.
From instructions and notes to lecture recordings and research reports, making audio content available is a great way to reach students who can absorb information at their convenience: anytime, anywhere. And Trinity Audio’s ai text-to-speech technology is here to do just that.

Create the perfect listening experience with multiple languages, voices and accents, full editorial and quality control, all in minimum time and cost.
Boost enrolment by attracting a growing number of young listeners with varying learning preferences.
Improve literacy and enhance learning outcomes by offering a listening experience besides textual content.
Have content accessible to support diverse student segments.

Leverage Trinity Audio’s groovy suite of products and solutions for an even better listening experience:

Trinity Splash
A modular unit (elements can be presented individually) that distributes your content via top streaming audio platforms and voice assistants.

Trinity Cast
A version of Trinity Player that refers users to all of your audio content and supports playlists and subscriptions to your audio content on various platforms.

Branded Player
An upgraded version of the Trinity Player that adds the element of native display advertising within the player, complete with the brand’s visual styling.